Rehab is most effective when a person is committed to their recovery. It takes dedication to recover from addiction, and many people have life-changing epiphanies along the way. Acknowledging these lessons from rehab and finding ways to apply the knowledge to your everyday life is one of the best ways to improve your quality of life.
But what do you do in rehab? How can you increase your chances of success? Here, we explore questions such as what rehab is for and how to make the most of the treatment you receive so you can enjoy long-term recovery.
1. You Have to Get Out of Your Own Way
In rehab, realizing that you may not know what’s best for your well-being while you’re in the grip of addiction is a key step in the recovery process. Having to trust your mind and judgment when this is where the addiction originates creates painful cognitive dissonance. That’s why entrusting your treatment and recovery process to people who have experience managing addiction and achieving long-term sobriety is a wise move. When you accept the support, help and advice of people who want to assist you in managing your addiction, you’re getting out of your own way and allowing yourself to start the recovery process.
It’s important to understand that relapsing is highly probable with addiction; in fact, 40%-60% of people relapse during the recovery process. However, before people physically relapse, they may become withdrawn, have mood swings or show other signs of increased risk of physical relapse. Committing to treatment by accepting help from others improves the chances of recognizing these early stages of relapse.
2. Gratitude Is Life-Changing
Practicing gratitude can increase your chances of a successful recovery from addiction. After you leave rehab, continuing to focus on the positives in your life can reduce your chances of a relapse and positively impact other aspects of your life.
When you have gratitude for being alive, for a chance to improve your relationships or for access to treatment for your mental illness, you instantly have a reason to stick with your recovery process. When you realize and appreciate aspects of your life that are supported by seeking treatment and abstaining from drug use, you’re reducing the chance you’ll physically relapse because you genuinely want to commit to the treatment process.
While it may seem challenging to practice gratitude in rehab if you’re feeling like you’ve hit rock bottom, there are some methods you can use to practice gratefulness despite your situation. After all, what do people do in rehab? They learn new skills, spend time talking to people who understand what they’re going through and get support to start a new chapter of their lives. Those are all things to be grateful for.
Starting a gratitude journal is a popular method of identifying elements of your day or life that you appreciate and taking time to sit in these positive feelings while you write about them. You can also engage in meditation practices and send feelings of love to people in your life, releasing endorphins to boost your mood.
Gratitude is a skill that can be learned over time through practice. Once you understand how feelings of gratefulness contribute to your recovery in rehab, you’re on the path to success.
3. What Do You Do in Rehab? Communicate!
You’re probably aware of the importance of communication in your relationships, but in rehab, you’ll get a firsthand view of how communication can impact your recovery. Being honest with your family and friends about your experiences with addiction and the steps you’re making to take back your life after treatment is important for your personal growth. When you’re vulnerable and truthful about your mental and emotional state, there’s an opportunity for the important people in your life to offer their support.
Having a network of people who understand what you’re going through is beneficial to your recovery, as is engaging in regular therapy. According to some studies, cognitive behavioral therapy can help prevent relapses, especially when backed by other interventions.
Part of good communication in rehab and beyond involves knowing how to communicate with yourself. The way you talk to yourself affects your mental state, which is why positive self-talk is essential to the success of your treatment.
4. If Multiple People Are Giving You the Same Advice, Maybe It’s Time to Listen
Prior to your decision to enter a rehab facility, it’s possible many loved ones, family members or friends attempted to talk to you about your addiction or offer advice. If you weren’t ready or open to seeking treatment at that point, you may have ignored their concerns or even reacted negatively toward them.
However, once you’re in rehab, one of the common lessons you’ll learn is that when multiple people in your life are offering similar advice, it might be worth listening to. It’s important to live life on your terms and not become too focused on what others think of you. But this doesn’t mean ignoring the input of people who genuinely care about your well-being and are trying to find ways to support you.
Be open to the advice of people who are slightly ahead of you in the recovery process. They may be able to offer valuable insight into what you can expect from your time in rehab so you can set expectations and goals for yourself.
5. Forgiveness Is the Key to Moving Forward
While taking responsibility for your addiction is a critical part of the rehabilitation process, this part of your recovery may result in feelings of guilt. Whether you feel guilty about missing out on a loved one’s life or remorseful for the behavior you exhibited, it’s possible to fall into a state of depression when you remain in this mindset.
To get better and improve your mental health, it’s necessary to forgive yourself for your past actions, whatever they may be. Remember that addiction is a disease and doesn’t define you. This is one of the most important realizations in rehab because it allows you to find internal peace and leave the past behind you.
Studies show that forgiveness can improve your physical and mental health. In addition to reducing rates of anxiety and depression, forgiveness lowers cholesterol, reduces blood pressure and decreases your risk of a heart attack.
Once you forgive yourself, you have the space to heal and look forward to the future.
6. Recovery Isn’t Always Linear
As was previously mentioned, up to 60% of people who are battling addiction relapse at some point. Even those who don’t physically relapse will have some days that are better than others. Sometimes, you’ll feel clear-headed and motivated. Sometimes, you’ll feel withdrawn or angry. Certain times of year might come with increased temptation to engage in the substance you were addicted to. These ups and downs are normal.
During your time in rehab, you’ll be taught coping skills to help you through these difficult periods. You’ll also be reminded of some of the points listed above. If you can communicate with your loved ones, you’ll be able to enlist their support during more challenging times.
In addition, if you do make a decision you regret, that’s a good chance to practice forgiveness and gratitude. Rather than blaming yourself for one bad day, take the opportunity to move on and focus on the days ahead of you. Those days can be better, if you choose to make them that way.
Invaluable Lessons From Rehab at Sunlight Recovery
If you’re struggling with drug addiction or alcoholism, you’re not alone, and you don’t have to manage your condition independently. At Sunlight Recovery, we have a dedicated team of counselors standing by to take your call and help answer questions such as “What do you do in rehab?” and help you plan your treatment.
Working with our team to develop strategies for managing addiction long-term is the first step toward getting your life back on track. Contact Sunlight Recovery today to start your journey and begin learning these valuable lessons of recovery.