Trying to get sober when you are addicted to alcohol is not easy. Most people cannot do this alone, so they turn to professionals who can help them through the detox process and work with them as they learn how to live a sober life. The team at Sunlight Recovery provides top-notch care in a state-of-the-art facility so you can go through the program in a safe environment and with the support you need.

Our focus is not only on getting you sober. We believe that treating the entire person is necessary if they are going to remain sober when they leave our program. Our beautiful Boca Raton campus is ideal for indoor and outdoor activities so you can feel your best while learning to live a healthy lifestyle. Your addiction to alcohol doesn’t have to define you another day!

Comprehensive Alcohol Treatment in South Florida

Around 14.1 million adults in the United States suffer from alcohol use disorder. Additionally, around 414,000 children from 14 to 17 years old have the same condition. Because it is so common, there are established treatments for alcohol use disorder that have been proven to work.

Sunlight Recovery utilizes several treatments to create a comprehensive program that we can personalize to each resident who comes to us for alcohol rehab. Our residents take part in counseling sessions, including:

  • Group counseling: You’ll discuss your recovery with a group of your peers under the guidance of one of our staff members. This is a time for everyone to learn from each other. Being able to hear what others are going through and how they’re able to cope with it all may help you in your recovery.
  • Individual counseling: This is a chance for you to discuss your specific needs with one of our counselors. They can talk to you about things you’d rather not discuss in the group sessions. Your counselor will work with you on customizing your plan and preparing you for life outside of our program.
  • Family counseling: Your family is likely going to be your biggest support system when you’re finished with the inpatient program. Family counseling is a chance for them to learn about your struggles and find out ways they can help you when you’re back home.

What Can You Expect at Our Boca Raton Campus?

The Sunlight Recovery campus is located in sunny southern Florida, so you can enjoy beautiful weather while you overcome your addiction and work toward building a sober life. When you’re in our program, you can focus on your recovery. One of the keys to getting sober is removing yourself from the people and situations that tempt you to drink. You have to be able to become strong enough in your sobriety to bypass those invitations.

The program at our Florida campus begins with detox care. During this period, you may begin to feel cravings and withdrawal symptoms. You cannot give in when those issues strike! Our professional team is here to help you to overcome those points in your detox period. We know what strategies and techniques can help our residents move past this time. We want you to learn how to keep a relapse from occurring, especially after you are out of our care.

When you come to our campus for intensive detox and rehab, we work with you on a plan to help you reach your goals. While many people think this is like a vacation of sorts, it is the complete opposite. You need to be relaxed and stress-free to be able to get through our program. We help propel you toward success by giving you the atmosphere and environment that are conducive to your success.

Your treatment is not just limited to alcohol addiction – we realize that this addiction can stem from other mental health disorders, and it can cause some physical ailments. At Sunlight Recovery, we offer various forms of treatment so you have the best chance of recovery. Also, you don’t have to turn to different providers because we offer continuity of care right from our campus.

Why Did We Choose Boca Raton?

South Florida is known as the rehab capital of the world because of legislation that requires all facilities to comply with specific practices. When you turn to Sunlight Recovery, you know you’re going to receive the care you need to reach your sobriety goal.

Our facility has a proven track record that shows we emphasize focusing on success rather than setbacks. We give our residents the tools they need to walk away from a chemical dependency and live a life they can truly enjoy independent of those substances. We are ready to help you, so reach out to us today to get started on your journey to sobriety!

Your overall fitness and health are important parts of your recovery. The ability to stay active indoors and outdoors enables you to find the activities you enjoy so you can focus on those. These will be anchors for you when you leave our intensive program because you can turn to them when you need to relax and regroup.

What Happens When You’re Done with the Inpatient Program?

The program at Sunlight Recovery is based on a stair-step approach to recovery. When you finish our inpatient Boca Raton alcohol rehab program, you will start the outpatient program. This gives you more freedom than you had while you were inpatient. If you have family in the area whom you feel comfortable turning to for support, you can stay with them. You also have the option of living on your own. Additionally, we have a sober living community that gives you a little more structure than being out on your own right away.

The care you receive from our outpatient program works with everything you learned while an inpatient. The same team of professionals you got to know while you were an inpatient resident works with you in the outpatient program. During this part of our program, we work closely with you to help you learn to cope with normal life stress, such as work or social situations that can lead to challenges.

Get the Help You Need

The team at Sunlight Recovery is ready to help you on your path to sobriety. If you realize you have a problem with alcohol, hide how much you drink or are facing serious consequences because of your alcohol use, we’re here to help you get sober. The first step is giving us a call at 855-548-1115 to discuss your needs. Our professional team will help you get started by reviewing insurance or self-pay options with you so you can get the help you need right away.