Are you concerned that your drinking is becoming excessive or unhealthy? If you’re worried about your drinking habits or witnessing concerning alcohol consumption in a loved one, you’re not alone. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, nearly 29 million people in the United States met the criteria for alcohol use disorder in 2023.

Below, we discuss what constitutes alcohol abuse, the difference between alcohol use disorder and alcoholism and when it might be time to seek professional help.

Alcohol Abuse, Alcoholism and Alcohol Use Disorder: What’s the Difference?

Although the terms alcohol abuse, alcoholism and alcohol use disorder are often used interchangeably, they have distinct differences. It’s possible to abuse alcohol without having an addiction, while alcoholism and alcohol use disorder typically involve an addiction to the substance. Individuals with an addiction depend on alcohol to function in their daily lives. By contrast, those who abuse alcohol may not drink daily but may simply develop unhealthy habits surrounding alcohol consumption. In some cases, alcohol abuse may be managed through lifestyle changes rather than therapy or other treatment methods.

What Is Alcohol Abuse?

Alcohol abuse occurs when alcohol consumption results in repeated adverse consequences. Essentially, any time drinking alcohol negatively impacts a person’s life, it becomes a problem that requires attention.

Abusive alcohol consumption can look like binge drinking (consuming five or more drinks within 2 hours for men or four or more drinks within 2 hours for women) or excessive drinking that results in bad behavior and reckless decision-making. People who abuse alcohol may find themselves frequently in legal trouble, having relationship problems or unable to secure regular employment.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends no more than two drinks per day for men and one drink per day for women to avoid the risk of harm and chronic disease. Therefore, individuals consistently exceeding these guidelines may abuse alcohol.

Is Alcohol Abuse the Same as Alcohol Dependence?

Although many people believe alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence are the same, these terms represent two separate issues. People abusing alcohol may have unhealthy habits when they’re drinking (such as bingeing), but that doesn’t mean they’re physically dependent on alcohol and require it daily. In fact, the CDC finds that most people who consume too much alcohol aren’t alcoholics or alcohol-dependent.

People with alcohol dependence experience physical symptoms when they don’t consume the substance. Alcohol dependence is classified as a chronic medical condition where an individual has a craving for or continues engaging in drinking even though they can’t control their consumption.

What Is Alcoholism?

Alcoholism is a mental and physical dependence on drinking alcohol. This term isn’t used medically, but it’s a casual reference to a disease where the individual requires alcohol to function daily free from withdrawal symptoms. Alcoholism can look like:

  • Increased tolerance levels
  • Withdrawal, or feeling ill without alcohol consumption within a certain timeframe
  • Cravings

While the CDC shows that most people who abuse alcohol don’t fit the criteria for alcohol addiction, it’s still a serious concern in the United States.

What Is Alcohol Use Disorder?

Alcohol use disorder refers to a medical condition in which the individual can’t stop or control their alcohol consumption, even when they face significant health, social and economic consequences. It’s measured on a mild, moderate or severe scale depending on the level and frequency of consumption and adverse effects. According to the NIAAA, the risk of developing AUD increases when individuals engage in behaviors such as binge drinking and heavy alcohol use.

Some common AUD symptoms the NIAAA outlines include:

  • Inability to control how often and how much alcohol is consumed
  • Inability to stop drinking, even when the person wants to
  • Excessive amount of time spent drinking, being sick from drinking or experiencing hangovers
  • Obsession with alcohol
  • Impaired ability to fulfill home, family, school or work responsibilities due to alcohol use
  • Continued excessive alcohol use despite negative social consequences
  • Giving up favorite hobbies and activities to drink alcohol instead
  • Participating in risky behaviors when drinking
  • Continuing to drink despite blacking out or experiencing negative effects, such as depression or anxiety
  • Increased tolerance for alcohol
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when the effect of alcohol wears off

The NIAAA assesses the level of AUD a person is experiencing based on how many symptoms they exhibit:

  • Mild. Two to three symptoms
  • Moderate. Four to five symptoms
  • Severe. More than six symptoms

Any number of symptoms is concerning and indicates treatment for alcohol use or abuse is necessary.

How to Evaluate When Drinking Is a Problem

While the above metrics provided by the NIAAA can be used to measure the level of abuse taking place, any amount of excessive alcohol consumption is a problem. However, while abusers may be able to choose to cut back, people with alcohol use disorder require professional treatment to get and stay sober.

Symptoms indicating you or someone you love has an alcohol use disorder include:

  • Drinking beyond your control
  • Being unable to stop drinking voluntarily
  • Being constantly intoxicated
  • Drinking every day
  • Having increased tolerance (needing to drink more to feel the effects)
  • Overreacting to criticism of your drinking habits
  • Lying about your drinking habits
  • Getting into financial trouble as a result of purchasing alcohol excessively

If you or someone in your life exhibits any of these symptoms, it’s time to seek professional help. Long-term alcohol abuse and alcohol dependency can increase the risk of several health problems, including some types of cancer and liver disease.

Start the Journey to Recovery

At Sunlight Recovery, our compassionate counselors are on hand 24-7 to take your initial call and discuss the available treatment options. We offer inpatient detox programs with medical support to assist with the withdrawal process. We also have outpatient programs to support alcohol recovery, including cognitive behavioral therapy, group therapy and more. Contact us today to start your path to recovery and find a better quality of life through our treatment programs.