In 2018, A Star is Born was released, a movie featuring Bradley Cooper playing a musician struggling with an alcohol addiction. The famous actor has shared over the years that the part was relatable to him because he’s struggled with a drug and alcohol substance abuse problem. Bradley Cooper’s sobriety journey is one he proudly talks of in interviews, and it’s an important story to listen to.
Bradley Cooper’s Sobriety Journey
Like many other Hollywood actors, Bradley Cooper struggled in the early days of his career when he was trying to make a name for himself. During these difficult times, he often turned to drugs and alcohol as a coping mechanism. However, the substance abuse, combined with doubts about his career, often led to suicidal thoughts. His mental health was suffering, and he was on a downward trajectory.
Cooper describes what he used to do when intoxicated as reckless and harmful. He said in one interview, “I was at a party and deliberately bashed my head on the concrete floor — like, ‘Hey, look how tough I am!’ And I came up, and blood dripped down. And then I did it again. I spent the night … in the hospital with a sock of ice, waiting for them to stitch me up.” The actor said his own actions began to scare him, and he knew he was going to, “ruin his life”, if he didn’t get sober.
Ultimately, Cooper credits his friend and fellow actor Will Arnett for getting him sober. Cooper said when Arnett had a serious conversation with him in 2004, “That was the first time I ever realized I had a problem with drugs and alcohol … It was Will saying [that] to me, I’ll never forget it … It changed my entire life.”
Cooper’s story of recovery is not an uncommon Hollywood actor’s sobriety journey. It doesn’t matter whether you’re famous or just a regular person; it often takes someone close to you who cares to shine a light on a person’s substance abuse.
Bradley Cooper on Maintaining Sobriety
Recovering from addiction is never easy, but Cooper has been successful so far. Cooper says, “I got sober at 29 years old,” and he’s now celebrating 20 years of sobriety.
For this famous actor, being sober has taken continuous work. Most importantly, he’s had to work on his self-esteem in therapy for many years to get himself into a healthier mindset. “Quite honestly, today, I can sit in front of you and tell you I have self-esteem, and it’s not related to any outside thing. I didn’t have that for 46 years,” Cooper said. Poor self-esteem was a previous trigger for Cooper. When he felt terrible about himself and his career, he turned to cocaine or alcohol to mask his feelings. Thanks to therapy, he’s been able to identify this trigger and work on improving his confidence.
Cooper has also mentioned that having his daughter has made him want to be a better person and stick to sobriety.
The Power of Therapy for Recovery
Cooper doesn’t shy away from talking about his struggles or the fact that therapy has been the answer for him. And he’s not alone. Therapy is a powerful tool in the recovery journey from substance abuse. Addiction is a disease that takes over your mind and body, so most people can’t simply decide to get sober one day and have everything change for the better. Instead, support and resources are needed, which is something therapy can provide.
Addiction therapy can be incredibly effective, as it can:
- Diagnose and treat co-occurring mental health conditions
- Help patients understand their triggers
- Learn coping mechanisms
- Help identify the root cause of the addiction
- Teach the benefits and advantages of sobriety
There are many different types of therapy options for addiction therapy, including:
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
- Group therapy
- One-on-one talk therapy
- Family or couples counseling
You can pursue one or several types as you go through your recovery journey. For example, you may benefit from doing CBT and group therapy simultaneously.
Additionally, you may want to experiment with all the therapy types to identify which is best for you. You want to find the therapy style that feels comfortable to you so you have the best chance of continuing with the program as long as you need it.
The Benefits of Celebrities Sharing Their Sobriety
Cooper should be very proud of his ongoing sobriety journey and of himself for having the courage to speak up and share his story. Many celebrities want to keep a reputation of being “perfect,” so it’s refreshing when a Hollywood star is so open about their struggles.
When famous people share their battles with addiction, they help destigmatize the topic. According to the 2022 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), 17.3% of Americans aged 12 and older reported having a substance abuse disorder in the last year. Millions of people are struggling with this problem. Celebrities who shine a light on the fact that addiction happens and recovery is possible send a transparent, positive message to the public.
People can read Cooper’s story, resonate with it, and be inspired to seek help and support for addiction recovery. The actor is living proof you can get help and get better. With the proper support, you too can have a lifelong sobriety story.
Cooper’s story also reveals the critical role friends and loved ones play when it comes to addiction recovery. The actor got sober after one of his friends had a tough conversation with him. And the same can be true for anyone. If you know someone struggling with addiction, know that reaching out to them to talk about it might be the push they need to finally get help.
Receive Addiction Treatment at Sunlight Recovery
You don’t have to take the journey to sobriety on your own. Sunlight Recovery is a mental health and addiction treatment center that can help you get on the road to recovery. Our team of highly experienced and licensed clinical and medical professionals will support you as you commit to turning your life around. A better tomorrow awaits; contact Sunlight Recovery today to get started.