When life with a mental illness has become unmanageable, intensive treatment in a safe, supportive environment may be the answer. Sunlight Recovery’s Mental Health Program was designed for this purpose. The Program is exclusively dedicated for those living with psychiatric issues, for whom targeted care within a comprehensive program is key to restored health.

Sunlight Recovery’s state-of-the-art facility and amenities in Deerfield Beach, Florida, allow us to provide the highest level of care possible to every person in our Mental Health Program. In the sections that follow, we will introduce you to the services we offer and the mental health issues that we treat.

Ultimately, the way to learn the most about how our Mental Health Program might help you or a loved one is by visiting our facility. An in-depth medical and psychiatric assessment from our care team can help determine your individual treatment needs. From there, our team will work closely with you to create a personalized treatment plan that will effectively address these needs.

Mental Health Issues That We Treat

In South Florida, like most of the country, one in five people lives with one or more mental health issues.

They include:

People who are living with these mental health issues can find a compassionate and healing environment through Sunlight’s Mental Health Program, specifically:

  • A Personalized Care Plan – Each person has the assurance of a treatment plan that targets their specific symptoms, needs, goals, and circumstances, with a thorough assessment and intensive psychiatric and therapeutic care.
  • A Committed, Integrated Care Team – Our team of psychiatrists, general practitioners, therapists, nurses, and other care staff works closely with each person in their care to address the medical, psychological, and emotional roots of the person’s challenges and to support their path to healing, self-discovery, and a brighter future.
  • A Positive and Affirming Therapeutic Culture – Every step forward is an achievement worth celebrating. We recognize the courage it takes to come to treatment and embrace mental well-being. We also affirm each person’s capacity for resilience and self-growth.

Our Mental Health Services – What to Expect

Each treatment plan can look different in the Mental Health Program and you can expect to receive certain “evidence-based” services while in our Mental Health Program. These best practices in the mental health field, which we employ, include:

  • Psychiatric Care and Medication Management – An in-depth psychiatric evaluation helps to determine whether you may benefit from medication, in combination with counseling and behavioral therapies. (With medication-assisted treatment and MAT maintenance, our program can refer out to a partner center.) If medication is prescribed, you will receive ongoing check-ups to monitor how you are responding to the medication and if any changes in the prescribing protocol are necessary.
  • 24-Hour Nursing Care – Nurses are on duty 24/7 to observe patients, monitor their vital signs, and administer medications as needed.
  • Specialized Mental Health Therapy and Group Programming – Individual therapy with a licensed clinician addresses the specific diagnosis with personalized tools for managing it. Depending on your diagnosis, you might receive a treatment modality such as Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), or interpersonal and social rhythm (IPSRT), for example. Group therapy offers opportunities to share and practice these new coping skills and trade experiences within a supportive community of peers.
  • Family Therapy Each Week with Your Primary Therapist – You have the option of meeting weekly with your loved one(s) for support, education, and to strengthen or rebuild your relationship(s). The goal is to create a safe, supportive space where your family can learn how to support you better.
  • Focus on Residential and Partial Hospitalization – Residential and partial hospitalization correlate with better treatment outcomes. With residential hospitalization, you reside at our facility for the length of treatment, and the programming is 7 days a week. With partial hospitalization, we offer housing options that are on campus as well as off campus, and the programming is 5 days a week.
  • Detox Available for Co-Occurring Substance Use Issues – Substance use issues often co-occur with a primary mental health condition. That is why we provide medically supervised detox. It consists of a gradual taper off one or more substances, including the medical management of withdrawal symptoms and the monitoring of vital signs.
  • Safe and Monitored Housing with Mental Health Staff Available – Our staff conduct regular, round-the-clock check-ins, both day and night, to ensure the safety of our patients and monitor their comfort. We have mental health staff on duty to triage issues as they arise and provide added support.
  • Comprehensive Case Management and Aftercare Planning – These services support success after treatment. Before discharging from our Mental Health Program, each person works with a case manager to create a comprehensive aftercare plan for their specific needs. It might include a referral to an outpatient mental health program, long-term therapist, and/or other mental health resources such as a local support group.

Next Steps to Help

Seeking help is a strength, not a weakness, and within the supportive community of Sunlight Recovery, you’ll find understanding hearts, compassionate ears, and a team dedicated to your health and recovery. Never underestimate the power of a first step.

If you have questions about our Mental Health Program, we are here to assist in any way we can. Call us any time at 1-855-908-0047.