You’ve likely heard of the show My Strange Addiction. As the name suggests, this unique show highlighted people who had unusual obsessions that were often dangerous or concerning in some way. While people mostly watched the show for its entertainment value, there’s a bigger picture here. The addictions on the show often stemmed from unaddressed mental health problems the individuals were experiencing.
Let’s take a closer look at the top episodes from My Strange Addiction through a mental health lens.
What Is My Strange Addiction?
My Strange Addiction was an American documentary TV series that ran on TLC from 2010 to 2015. The show focused on people with compulsive behaviors, from eating nonfood items to having unusual fixations.
An addiction is when a person loses control or the ability to stop doing, taking or using something despite its negative impact on their life. Often, people think of addiction as being exclusively related to drugs and alcohol, but people can become addicted to many things, including overeating, gambling, shopping, sex and work.
Still, in the United States, alcohol is one of the most prevalent addictions. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism estimated 28.9 million Americans aged 12 or older had alcohol use disorder in 2023.
Since the series showcased so many outrageous stories, many might have wondered if My Strange Addiction was real. The people and their oddities are real, but the severity of the addictions may have been exaggerated for some episodes.
My Strange Addiction List: Top 4 Memorable Episodes
Let’s look at some of the most memorable episodes and what they might mean when considering mental health.
1. Eating Rocks
In one shocking episode, a woman named Teresa Widener shared that she’s addicted to eating rocks and has been doing so for more than 20 years.
While this may seem shocking and strange, she likely suffered from a medical condition called pica, which causes individuals to become obsessed with eating strange items. The uncontrollable desire usually stems from a crucial dietary deficiency. In Teresa’s case, doctors suspect she has an iron deficiency and her body craves rocks as a solution.
Teresa’s condition might have a physical health explanation, but her mental health plays a role, too. She shared with the Huffington Post that when she fell in love, she was able to curb her desires and start reducing her rock-snacking habit.
Teresa also noted that she hasn’t eliminated rocks from her diet and she’s prone to craving rocks when she has a bad day. This implies her rock obsession has become a soothing technique she uses to calm herself when she’s upset. As she finds love, feels accepted and hopefully experiences less turmoil, she can wean herself off the rocks.
2. Eating Dirt
In 2012, an episode of My Strange Addiction showed a woman named Kristie Spinuzza who was addicted to eating dirt. She loved the crunch and taste of it, but eating dirt was ruining her teeth. She had already spent over $20,000 trying to repair the damage done.
Similar to the person in the rock-eating episode, Spinuzza had pica, which made her crave dirt.
Sadly, it took another medical issue for Spinuzza to end her obsession with dirt: She was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. When she asked her doctors if the dirt could have caused it, they said the cancer was rare enough that they weren’t certain either way. The threat of cancer was enough motivation for her to stop eating dirt so she could be around to watch her son grow up.
It’s hard to say from one episode whether Spinuzza’s need to eat dirt was a true addiction. However, considering the toll it took on her finances and health, it’s fair to speculate this could have indeed been an addiction, as Spinuzza’s habit caused her harm and she still couldn’t stop herself.
3. Takes Pillow Everywhere
The Addicted to My Pillow episode focuses on a young woman named Tamara who must take her pillow (which she’s named Boo) with her everywhere. The pillow is visibly dirty and makes her boyfriend unhappy, but she can’t give it up. In the episode, she shares how much comfort and happiness her pillow gives her.
In a follow-up episode 10 years later, Tamara shared that she still has her pillow. However, she also stated that she’d made progress, and the pillow didn’t need to go everywhere with her. When the reunion episode aired, Tamara said she hadn’t taken her pillow to the grocery store in 6 years.
Clearly, Tamara sees her pillow as a security item. Simply having it around gives her peace and comfort. Security items are common in children but tend to be outgrown as they age. Life comes with many changes, but a security item is a transitional piece that can go with you from one life stage to the next without changing.
It’s likely that with the help of a professional therapist, Tamara could learn to cope with change and anxiety and learn how to let her pillow go entirely.
4. Sex With My Car
In one of the most memorable episodes of My Strange Addiction, a man named Nathaniel shares that he’s in a committed relationship with his car (named Chase) and even has sex with it.
Sadly, this scenario of loving an inanimate object develops in some people. It stems from a person becoming so lonely that they must conjure a loving partnership with an inanimate object that can’t leave them or deny their advances.
The best option for Nathaniel would be to speak to a therapist to learn how to acknowledge his loneliness, drop his nonexistent relationship and learn skills that increase his chances of finding a living partner.
My Strange Addiction’s Impact
This show was incredibly entertaining, especially for its shock value, but it was educational. It spread the message that addiction can come in many shapes and is very real. Most importantly, it showed the fallacy of the old-school way of thinking that addiction is a choice. These people were displayed as causing themselves harm and wanting to stop but being unable to. Who knew a little TLC show could do so much good for reducing the stigma around addiction and mental health?
Treatment at Sunlight Recovery
If you’re struggling with any addiction or mental health challenges, you don’t have to fight the battle on your own. Seeking professional help can be one of your best moves, as it can help you have a speedy and successful recovery.
At Sunlight Recovery, you get access to a team of highly experienced and licensed clinical and medical professionals skilled in all behavioral and mental health areas. Contact us today to get the help you need.